Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Diovulatory

    Producing two ova in the same ovarian cycle.  

  • Dioscorea

    A genus of yams, a potato-like root vegetable used in many cultures as a source of dietary carbohydrates. There are approx. 150 species. Dioscorea villosa, the wild yam, is used as a source of topically applied cosmetics and plant-derived steroids.  

  • Dioptrics

    The science of light refraction. The field of optics that specializes in the study of light refraction.  

  • Dioptometry

    The determination of refraction and accommodation of the eye.  

  • Dioptometer

    A device for measuring ocular refraction.  

  • Diogenes syndrome

    A lack of interest in personal cleanliness or cleanliness of the home, usually occurring in elderly individuals who live alone. Affected persons usually are undernourished but not necessarily from poverty. This condition occurs in all socioeconomic circumstances. It may be associated with excessive saving of items, e.g., old newspapers; social retreat; and rejection of assistance.…

  • Dioctophyma

    A genus of roundworms found in dogs but rarely in humans.  

  • Dinucleotide

    The product of cleaving a polynucleotide.  

  • Dinoflageliata

    A phylum of the kingdom Protista; photosynthetic unicellular organisms that are part of the phytoplankton in fresh and ocean water. Some marine species bloom explosively in what are called “red tides”; shellfish that feed on the dinoflagellates are toxic to humans (paralytic shellfish poisoning). Another species produces ciguatera toxin, which is poisonous to fish and…

  • Dimpling

    The formation of slight depressions in the flesh due to retraction of the subcutaneous tissue. It occurs in certain carcinomas, such as cancer of the breast.  

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