Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hippocrates

    A Greek physician referred to as the Father of Medicine because he was the first healer to attempt to record medical experiences for future reference. By so doing he established the foundation for the scientific basis of medical practice. Hippocrates, a Greek physician born around 460 BC on the island of Cos, earned the title…

  • Posterior hip dislocation

    A dislocation of the hip onto the dorsum ilii or sciatic notch. Most posterior hip dislocations occur when the hip is flexed and adducted and a violent longitudinal force is applied to the femur that forces the femoral head posterior relative to the acetabulum. This mechanism is often seen in automobile accidents.  

  • Inferior hip dislocation

    A rare type of hip dislocation that is treated with traction in the flexed position, followed by outward rotation and extension.  

  • Dislocation of the hip

    Physical displacement of the head of the femur from its normal location in the acetabulum. It is very often accompanied by a fracture.  

  • Anterior hip dislocation

    A dislocation of the hip through the obturator foramen, on the pubis, in the perineum, or through a fractured acetabulum.  

  • Hindfoot

    The posterior part of the foot consisting of the talus and calcaneus.  

  • Himantosis

    An abnormal lengthening of the uvula.  

  • Hilus cell tumor

    A rare, steroid-hormone-producing tumor of the ovary. It is an occasional cause of virilization (deepening voice, facial hair growth, and male pattern baldness) in women.  

  • Hilus cell

    An androgen-producing cell found in the ovarian hilum. It is analogous to the male Leydig cell.  

  • Hilton’s law

    A law stating that the trunk of a nerve sends branches not only to a particular muscle but also to the joint moved by that muscle and to the skin overlying the insertion of that muscle.  

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