Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A method of producing pictures in which the image appears as a three-dimensional representation of the original object. The picture obtained is called a hologram (i.e., whole message).
Relating to the entire diastole, especially a murmur that occurs during all of diastole.
A congenitally deformed monozygotic twin fetus with no heart. The in utero circulation is obtained from the heart of the twin to which the deformed fetus is attached.
A rare earth metal, whose atomic weight is 164.930 and atomic number is 67.
Holmgren’s test
An obsolete test in which the patient matches colored skeins of yam to test for color blindness.
Sebileau’s hollow
A depression in the floor of the mouth between the tongue and the sublingual glands.
Having a cavity or space inside.
Holiday heart syndrome
The association of cardiac arrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation, with binge drinking.
Holding area
An Emergency Department area in which patients are kept temporarily before being transferred to an intensive care unit.
Holden’s line
A wrinkle or indistinct furrow in the groin at the junction of the thigh and the abdomen laterally indicating the position of the capsule of the hip joint.
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