Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Manifest hyperopia
Total amount of hyperopia that can be neutralized by a convex lens without interfering with clarity of vision.
Latent hyperopia
Hyperopia in which the error of refraction is overcome and disguised by ciliary muscle action.
Facultative hyperopia
Hyperopia that can be corrected by accommodation.
Axial hyperopia
Hyperopia caused by shortness of the eye’s anteroposterior axis.
Absolute hyperopia
Hyperopia in which the eye cannot accommodate.
Grafting of a motor nerve into a muscle that has an intact nerve supply.
Abnormal muscular development.
A person with disproportionately long limbs whose standing height is high in proportion to the sitting height.
Excessive joint play (movement) that permits increased mobility. It is present in some connective tissue diseases such as Marfan’s or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. Extraordinary flexibility in the joints, enabling them to bend or move beyond their typical range of motion, is referred to as hypermobility.
Overactivity in tissue replacement or transformation from one type of tissue to another, as cartilage to bone.
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