Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A downward and inward deviation of the eye.
A diminished number of eosinophils in the blood.
In ultrasonography, pertaining to body structures that either reflect sound waves weakly or less strongly than expected.
Subcutaneous hypodermic
Injection given just under the skin, usually in the outer surface of the arm and forearm.
Intravenous hypodermic
Injection into a vein, the usual site being the median basilic or median cephalic vein of the arm.
Intramuscular hypodermic
Injection given in the gluteal or lumbar muscular region. This route is used when a drug is not easily absorbed, when it is irritating, or when a large quantity of liquid is to be used.
Having less than the normal number of fingers or toes.
Deficient accommodation of the eye.
Decreased copper in the blood.
Decreased adrenal cortical hormone.
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