Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Passive incontinence
A form of urinary incontinence; instead of emptying normally, the full bladder allows urine to drip away upon pressure.
Paralytic incontinence
The constant voiding of small amounts of urine and feces owing to stroke or other central nervous system disorders.
Intermittent incontinence
Loss of control of the bladder upon sudden pressure or movement.
Giggle incontinence
Involuntary passage of urine induced by laughter. The condition occurs commonly in young girls and women, but tends to improve in the second or third decade of life. It is distinct from stress urinary incontinence, a condition that usually begins after menopause.
Functional urinary incontinence
Inability of a usually continent person to reach the toilet in time to avoid unintentional loss of urine. Urinary incontinence (UI) affects about 30% of older adults living at home and about 50% of those in nursing care facilities. Women are more likely than men to develop UI. Urinary incontinence can result in physical problems…
Fecal incontinence
Failure of the anal sphincter to prevent involuntary expulsion of gas, liquid, or solids from the lower bowel.
Active incontinence
A discharge of feces and urine in the normal way at regulated intervals but involuntarily.
Said of an infant or child who is extremely irritable and cannot be comforted despite its parents’ best efforts. In pediatrics inconsolability is a clinical indicator of severe illness.
Incompetent palatal syndrome
Incomplete or ineffective separation by the soft palate of the nasopharynx from the oropharynx, characterized by hypernasality and distortion of speech called whinolalia. This syndrome may be due to congenital or acquired defects of the palate.
Venous incompetence
Inability of a vein to prevent the backward flow of blood because of valve diseases or complications of deep venous thrombosis.
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