Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Cicatrized infarct
An infarct that has been replaced or encapsulated by fibrous tissue.
Bland infarct
An infarct in which infection is absent.
Anemic infarct
An infarct in which blood pigment is lacking or decoloration has occurred.
Intestinal infantilism
Infantilism associated with a chronic intestinal disorder, causing poor growth.
Ineffective infant feeding pattern
Impaired ability to suck or to coordinate the suck-swallow response resulting in inadequate oral nutrition for metabolic needs.
Risk for disorganized infant behavior
Risk for alteration in integration and modulation of the physiological and behavioral systems of functioning (i.e., autonomic, motor, state, organizational, self-regulatory, and attentional-interactional systems).
Disorganized infant behavior
Disintegrated physiological and neurobehavioral responses to the environment of the newborn.
Infant of substance-abusing mother
All-inclusive term describing a newborn whose birth mother used alcohol, cocaine, opiates, or other potentially hazardous chemicals during pregnancy. These babies are considered to be at high risk for complications during the neonatal period; many also exhibit related long-term disabilities that influence their potential for normal growth and development. Perinatal complications include intrauterine growth retardation,…
Infant stimulation
The use of various techniques to provide neonates and infants identified with or at risk for developmental delay with an environment that has a rich and diverse range of sensations and experiences.
Preterm infant
An infant born before the completion of 37 weeks (259 days) of gestation.
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