Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Kilovoltage peak
The highest voltage occurring during an electrical cycle. The pinnacle of kilovoltage reached during any moment within the cyclical oscillations of a sine wave.
Kilogram mete
The work required to raise one kilogram one meter.
One thousand cycles; previous name for kilohertz. A magnitude of one thousand cycles, interpreted as denoting a frequency of thousands of cycles per second.
Unit indicating the length of a nucleic acid sequence. One kb is 1000 nucleotide sequences long.
Kiesselbach’s area
A rich network of veins on the anteroinferior portion of the nasal septum. Because of its abundant supply of capillaries, it is a common site of nosebleed.
Laser treatment for kidney stone removal
The use of a laser to disintegrate renal calculi. A fiberoptic device is inserted via the urethra, bladder, and ureter to the calculus. The laser is activated and the stone is destroyed without injuring adjacent tissues.
Syphilitic kidney
Kidney with fibrous bands running across it, and caseating gummata, as a result of syphilis.
Sacculated kidney
A condition in which the kidney has been absorbed and only the distended capsule remains. The late phase of hydronephrosis.
Movable kidney
A kidney that is not firmly attached owing to lack of support of fatty tissue and perinephric fascia.
Medullary sponge kidney
A congenital condition characterized by the presence — seen best during urography — of spongy or porous appearing renal collecting tubules. The disease may be asymptomatic or may cause urinary bleeding, stone formation with renal colic, or recurrent urinary tract infections.
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