Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Perpendicular lamina
A thin sheet of bone forming the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. It supports the upper portion of the nasal septum.
Lamina papyracea
A thin, smooth plate of bone on the lateral surface of the ethmoid bone; it forms part of the orbital plate.
Interpubic fibrocartilaginous lamina
Part of the articulation of the pubic bones, connecting the opposing surfaces of these bones.
Lamina fusca sclerae
The layer of thin pigmented connective tissue on the inner surface of the sclera of the eye.
Epithelial lamina
The epithelial layer covering the choroid layer of the eye.
Dental lamina
A U-shaped internal growth of the oral epithelium in the embryonic maxillary and mandibular regions that forms into enamel organs which produce the teeth.
Lamina choriocapillaris
The middle layer of the choroid, containing a dense mesh of capillaries.
Basement lamina
The preferred term for a thin layer of delicate noncellular material of a fine filamentous texture underlying the epithelium. Its principal component is collagen.
Basal lamina
The basal plate of the embryonic nervous system, which later develops into the ventral horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord.
Alar lamina
The alar plate of the embryonic nervous system, which later develops into sensory portions of the brain and the dorsal horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord.
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