Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Infraorbitomeatal line
An imaginary line from the inferior orbital margin to the external auditory meatus, used for radiographical positioning of the skull.
Inferior nuchal line
One of two curved ridges on the occipital bone extending laterally from the exterior occipital crest.
Incremental line of von Ebner
Very light lines in the dentin of a tooth that represent the boundary between the layers of dentin produced daily.
Incremental line of Retzius
Periodic dark lines seen in the enamel of a tooth that represent occasional metabolic disturbances of mineralization.
Incremental line
One of the lines seen in a microscopic section of tooth enamel. They resemble growth lines in a tree.
Iliopectineal line
The bony ridge marking the brim of the pelvis.
Gluteal line
Three lines — anterior, posterior, and inferior — on the exterior surface of the ilium.
Gingival line
A line determined by the extent of coverage of the tooth by gingiva. The shape of the gingival line is similar to the curvature of the cervical line but they rarely coincide. It is also called the free gingival margin.
Line of fixation
An imaginary line drawn from the subject viewed to the fovea centralis.
Ectental line
The point of the endodermal and ectodermal junction in the gastrula.
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