Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
lipemia retinalis
A condition in which retinal vessels appear reddish white or white; found in cases of hyperlipidemia.
Alimentary lipemia
An accumulation of fat in the blood after eating.
Lip bumper
In orthodontics a removable appliance to push the lower molars posteriorly to create additional space for the lower anterior teeth. It consists of an archwire that attaches posteriorly to the lower mandible and anteriorly to a plastic mold. The plastic sits just behind the lips and in front of the lower incisors. It forces the…
Pancreatic lipase
The pancreatic enzyme that digests fats emulsified by bile salts to fatty acids and glycerol.
A scrotal hernia containing fat.
Excess fatty acids in the blood.
Vestibular lip
The upper border of the sulcus spiralis internus of the cochlea.
Tympanic lip
The lower border of the sulcus spiralis internus of the cochlea.
Oral lip
Upper and lower lips that surround the mouth opening and form the anterior wall of the buccal cavity.
Double lip
A redundant fold of mucous membrane in the mouth on either side of the midline of the lip.
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