Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Osseous lipoma
A lipoma in which the connective tissue has undergone calcareous degeneration.
Nasal lipoma
A fibrous growth of the subcutaneous tissue of the nostrils.
Lipoma durum
A lipoma with marked hypertrophy of the fibrous stroma and capsule.
Lipoma diffusum renis
A condition in which fat displaces parenchyma of the kidney.
Lipoma arborescens
An abnormal treelike accumulation of fatty tissue in a joint.
Infiltration of fats and lipoids into a tissue.
Cerebroside lipoidosis
A familial disease characterized by deposition of glucocerebroside in cells of the reticuloendothelial system.
Degenerative changes in small blood vessels, marked by the accumulation of a glassy- or waxy-appearing lipid within the vessel wall. This type of vascular degeneration occurs in hypertension and atherosclerosis, and predisposes patients to small infarcts, especially in penetrating arteries of the brain.
Inflammation of fatty tissue with granulation and development of oily cysts.
Abnormal deposition of lipofuscin in tissues.
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