Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Liquid crystal display
A type of electronic display unit used on devices from watches to clinical laboratory instruments. It is very efficient and consumes little energy or power.
Liquid-based cytology
A means of performing a Papanicolaou test in which the head of the plastic spatula used to obtain cells from the endocervix is inserted directly into a vial containing a fluid cellular preservative. The vial is spun in the laboratory, and a pellet of pure cells is obtained. This cellular layer is then deposited on…
Liquid air therapy
The therapeutic application of air that is so cold as to be liquefied.
An agent that converts a solid into a liquid.
Lip reading
Interpreting what is being said by watching the speaker’s lip and facial movements and expression. This method is used as a means of speech discrimination by people with hearing impairments. A method of comprehending speech through the interpretation of mouth and tongue movements. Lip-reading is frequently employed by individuals with hearing impairments.
Any of a group of eicosanoids formed by the action of phospholipases on cell membrane phospholipids. Some lipoxins have anti-inflammatory effects, but some promote inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions.
An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of the double bonds of an unsaturated fatty acid.
A vaccine suspended in vegetable oil.
Congenital absence or extreme smallness of the mouth.
A device used in plastic surgery to carve out unwanted fat and create smooth contours beneath the skin.
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