Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Being able to read and write, and to use written language as in understanding graphs, charts, tables, maps, symbols, and formulas.
Listing plane
A transverse vertical plane lying perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis of the eye and containing the center of motion of the eyes. It also contains the transverse and vertical axes of voluntary ocular rotation.
Listeria monocytogenes
The causative agent of listeriosis. This species lives in soil or the intestines of animals and may contaminate food, especially milk or meat. Its growth is not inhibited by refrigeration.
The condition of having straight hair.
To a condition in which the brain is smooth owing to failure of cerebral gyri to develop.
Lisfranc’s ligament
The ligament joining the first cuneiform bone of the ankle to the second metatarsal.
Lisfranc’s dislocation
A dislocation of the tarsometatarsal joints of the foot by direct or indirect mechanisms. Accompanying fracture is common.
Lisch nodule
A melanocytic hamartoma projecting from the surface of the iris of the eye. It is a well-defined, dome-shaped elevation that is clear to yellow or brown. These growths, which do not cause ophthalmological complications, may be seen without magnification, but examination with use of a slit lamp is needed to differentiate them from nevi of…
Liquor folliculi
The fluid contained in the graafian follicle.
Liquor amnii
The amniotic fluid, a clear watery fluid that surrounds the fetus in the amniotic sac. The fluid in which the fetus is suspended within its protective membranes inside the womb. Its primary roles are to safeguard the baby from external harm, regulate the baby’s temperature, and enable unrestricted movement. During labor, the fluid-filled membranes in…
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