Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Posterior lobe of hypophysis
The posterior portion of the pituitary gland, consisting of the pars intermedia and the processus infundibuli (pars nervosa).
Olfactory lobe
The olfactory bulb and tract.
Lobe of mammary gland
One of the 15 to 20 divisions of the glandular tissue of the breast separated by connective tissue and each possessing a duct (lobar duct) opening via the nipple.
Lobe of lungs
One of the large divisions of the lungs: superior and inferior lobes of the left lung; superior, middle, and inferior lobes of the right lung.
Flocculonodular lobe
The lobe of the cerebellum consisting of the flocculi, nodulus, and their connecting peduncles.
Lobe of cerebrum
The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes and the insula or island of Reil (central lobe).
Cerebellar lobe
One of the three major divisions of the cerebellum. The anterior lobe or paleocerebellum is largely concerned with coordinating posture and with the muscle tone of the trunk and limbs. The posterior lobe or neocerebellum is in a loop with the cerebral cortex and is concerned with muscle coordination and cybernetic adjustment of movements. The…
Central lobe
The island of Reil, which forms the floor of the lateral cerebral fossa.
Caudate lobe of liver
The irregular quadrangular portion of liver behind the fissure for the portal vein and between the fissures for the vena cava and ductus venosus.
Anterior lobe of hypophysis
The anterior portion of the pituitary gland, consisting of the pars distalis and pars tuberalis.
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