Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Lochia alba
The white postpartum vaginal discharge that is no longer blood-tinged.
A device for locating or discovering an object such as a foreign body.
Local reaction
A reaction occurring at the point of stimulation or injection of foreign substances. The symptoms or changes that appear at the location where a triggering substance is applied.
Local radiation injury
An acute radiation exposure involving a limited part of the body, especially the hands, after picking up an unshielded radioactive element. The exposure usually results in delayed skin damage and frequently in underlying tissue injury. It may require local wound care, debridement, or in some instances amputation.
An apparatus used for finding foreign bodies or exact anatomical locations during radiography.
Cerebral localization
Determination of centers of various faculties and functions in particular parts of the brain.
Parietal lobule
One of two subdivisions of the parietal lobe of the brain. The superior parietal lobule is the posterior part of the upper portion, and the inferior parietal lobule is a lateral area continuous with temporal and occipital lobes.
lobule of testis
Pyramidal divisions separated from each other by incomplete partitions called septa. Each consists of one to three coiled seminiferous tubules.
Paracentral lobule
A cerebral convolution on the medial surface joining the upper terminations of the ascending parietal and frontal convolutions.
Lobule of lung
Physiological units of the lung consisting of a respiratory bronchiole and its branches (alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli).
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