Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Long-acting thyroid stimulator
An IgG autoantibody that binds to the thyroid-stimulating hormoneceptor, stimulating the excessive production of thyroid hormones and causing hyperthyroidism. This immunoglobulin is found in the blood of about 75% of patients with Graves’ disease but is used rarely for diagnostic purposes, because the diagnosis usually can be established on clinical grounds, i.e., on finding a…
Risk for loneliness
The risk for experiencing discomfort associated with a desire or need for more contact with others.
Log phase
That portion of the bacterial growth curve at which bacteria are reproducing at an exponential rate.
Paralysis of the speech organs.
Any disorder of speech arising from derangement of the central nervous system.
Intermittent repetition of the last syllable of a word.
Log book
A diary; a register of important names, places, dates, or other practical and useful information.
Inability to understand the spoken word.
Motor aphasia, usually the result of a cerebral lesion. The inability to articulate one’s thoughts either verbally or in writing.
Inability to recognize or make sense of spoken or written words.
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