Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Lyon hypothesis

    The idea that one of the X chromosomes of the female is inactivated during embryogenesis and becomes hyperpyknotic. This chromosome forms, in the cell nucleus, the sex chromatin mass, or Barr body. This X chromosome remains in this state throughout the cell’s progeny so that in the adult only one X chromosome is active in…

  • Lynch syndrome

    An autosomal dominant predisposition to colon cancer and other solid tumors. People with Lynch I syndrome are susceptible to colon cancer alone, whereas those with Lynch II syndrome have an additional tendency to get cancers of the colon, ovaries, breasts, and/or uterus. It is also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer.  

  • Lymphotrophy

    Lymph nourishment of cells in regions devoid of blood vessels.  

  • Lymphotaxis

    The effect of attracting or repelling lymphocytes.  

  • Lymphoscintigraphy

    The use of radioactive tracers to identify the lymphatic drainage basin of a tumor. The technique is used to guide the surgeon in performing biopsies and in the removal of tumors. In the realm of medical procedures, there exists a fascinating technique involving the introduction of a radioactive substance that specifically accumulates within the intricate…

  • Lymphorrhoid

    Dilated lymph channels that resemble hemorrhoids.    

  • Lymphoreticular disorder

    Any benign or malignant disease in which lymphocytes or lymphatic tissues proliferate. Included are self-limited proliferation of lymph glands, lymphocytes, and monocytes; infectious mononucleosis; benign abnormalities of immunoglobulin synthesis; leukemias; lymphomas such as Hodgkin’s disease, lymphosarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, and mycosis fungoides; malignant proliferative response or abnormal immunoglobulin synthesis such as plasma cell myeloma, macroglobulinemia,…

  • Lymphoreticular

    To the lymphocyte, to the mononuclear phagocyte system, and to the tissues that support their growth.  

  • Lymphoproliferative

    Concerning the proliferation of lymphoid tissue. A rise in the quantity of lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell (WBC) produced in lymphatic tissue distributed across the body, including the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, Peyer patches, and occasionally the bone marrow.  

  • Lymphopoietin

    Any growth factor that stimulates lymphocytes to multiply or differentiate.  

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