Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Mammomonogamus laryngeus
A species normally parasitic in ruminants but sometimes infesting humans.
The preferred name for a genus of nematodes that parasitize the respiratory tracts of humans. It was formerly known as Syngamus, which is now limited to describe those related nematodes that parasitize the respiratory tracts of birds.
Mammographic breast density
A radiological appearance of the mammary glands during mammography in which the epithelial and stromal elements of the breasts are more prominent than the fatty components. Breast density increases the likelihood that a mammogram will be difficult to interpret and that a patient will subsequently develop breast cancer.
Reduction mammaplasty
Plastic surgery of the breast to decrease and reshape the breast(s).
Augmentation mammaplasty
Surgical breast enlargement, either to increase breast size or to make an artificial breast to replace one surgically removed; performed by inserting autogenous tissue with mobilization of myocutaneous flap or a prosthesis filled with gel or saline.
One of three rounded protuberances present on the cutting edge of an incisor tooth when it erupts. These are worn away by use.
Abnormally turned, said of a tooth having turned on its central axis.
Presence of maltose in urine.
Imperfect replacement of a dislocated or fractured bone.
Cephalic malpresentation
A head presentation in which the presenting part is the face, brow, or chin.
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