Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Manslaughter

    A form of homicide in which the killing of another person is not the result of malice. On occasion, health care professionals who have withheld certain forms of treatment have been charged and convicted of manslaughter. Patients also may be charged with manslaughter (e.g., if failure to follow medical advice not to drive an automobile…

  • Strain gauge manometer

    A device attached to an intra-arterial catheter, which is used to measure blood pressures within arteries.  

  • Saline manometer

    Manometer that uses a special hollow tube shaped like the letter U and open at both ends. The tube is partially filled with saline. Pressure is determined by connecting one end of the U tube to the system in which pressure is to be measured. The pressure, in millimeters of saline, is the measured distance…

  • Mannkopf’s sign

    Pulse acceleration exhibited on pressing a painful point. The sign is not present in simulated pain. It is rarely sought in contemporary physical examination.  

  • Spinal manipulation

    In chiropractic, a thrusting of the spine to reduce subluxation. It is a standard, effective treatment of uncomplicated acute low back pain.  

  • Joint manipulation

    Passive therapeutic techniques used to stretch restricted joints or reposition a subluxation. The techniques are sometimes applied with rapid thrust movements and may be applied with the patient under anesthesia to ensure maximum relaxation.  

  • Man-in-a-barrel syndrome

    A stroke involving watershed regions of the brain, in which movements of the face, legs, and feet are preserved, but those of the arms and hips are lost.  

  • Religious mania

    Mania resulting from excessive religious fervor.  

  • Histrionic mania

    Dramatic gestures, expressions, and speech in certain psychiatric states.  

  • Mangosteen

    A tropical fruit that grows on an evergreen tree Garcinia mangostana Linn., found in Indonesia and Indochina. Its hull has been used as a traditional medicine in Thailand. Extracts from the hull have antioxidant, antihistaminic, and anti-inflammatory effects in laboratory experiments. The fruit in question features a rigid exterior akin to that of a pomegranate,…

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