Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ocular massage

    Manipulation of the eye to alter intraocular pressure or ocular blood flow.  

  • Local massage

    Massage confined to particular body parts.  

  • Introductory massage

    Massage consisting of centripetal strokings around an affected part when it is impossible to apply treatment directly to the part.  

  • General massage

    Centripetal stroking in connection with some muscular kneading from the toes upward. It is used in connection with baths lasting 30 to 40 min. As soon as a part is massaged, it should be given a few passive rotary movements and afterwards covered up.  

  • Fundal massage

    Manual stimulation of a boggy postpartum uterus to generate effective contractions, express clots, and limit postpartum hemorrhage. To relax the patient’s abdominal muscles, the birth attendant places the patient in the lithotomy position. Cupping the dominant hand around the fundus and placing the other hand just above the pubic symphysis to support the lower uterine…

  • Carotid sinus massage

    Applying pressure to and rubbing the carotid artery in an attempt to slow a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). This is one of the maneuvers sometimes used prior to using drug therapy for SVT.  

  • Lateral mass of the atlas

    The parts of the first cervical vertebra that articulate with the occipital bone superiorly and the axis inferiorly.  

  • Inner cell mass

    In embryology, the group of cells within the blastocyst from which the embryo, yolk sac, and amnion develop.  

  • Maser

    Acronym for microwave amplification by stimulation emission of radiation. It is a device that produces a small, non-diverging radiation beam.  

  • Masculation

    Development of male secondary sexual characteristics.  

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