Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ambient noise

    The total noise from all sources in a given environment.  

  • Noetic therapy

    Any therapy based on deeply held belief systems, prayer, or spirituality rather than on tangible or visible interventions, e.g., the use of drugs, radiation, or surgery.  

  • Typhus nodule

    Small nodules of the skin seen in typhus. They are composed of mononuclear cell infiltration around vessels.  

  • Typhoid nodule

    Nodules characteristic of typhoid fever and found in the liver. Distinctive abnormalities observed in the livers of individuals afflicted with typhoid fever.  

  • Subcutaneous nodule

    Small, nontender swellings resembling Aschoff’s bodies and found over bony prominences in persons with rheumatic fever or rheumatoid arthritis (in rheumatoid arthritis, they are called rheumatoid nodules).  

  • Solitary pulmonary nodule

    Any isolated mass lesion found in the lung, usually during an x-ray study performed for another reason. Most small masses that are identified in this way are benign, although smokers, patients already known to have cancer in another organ system, and older patients have an increased risk that a solitary nodule will be a new…

  • Solitary nodule

    An isolated nodule of lymphatic tissue such as occurs in mucous membranes.  

  • Siderotic nodule

    Small brown nodules seen in the spleen and other organs and consisting of necrotic tissue encrusted by iron salts.  

  • Rheumatic nodule

    Subcutaneous nodes of fibrous tissue that may be present in patients with rheumatic fever. A small, palpable bump, often located near the wrist or elbow and detectable through the skin. These nodules are typically present in relatively severe cases of rheumatic fever during childhood. Their presence almost always signifies that the heart has been affected…

  • Milker’s nodule

    Painless smooth or warty lesions due to a poxvirus that is transmitted from the udders of infected cows to the hands of milkers.  

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