Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Nose springs
A spring like device applied to the bridge of the nose that pulls the nostrils open slightly. The device may reduce nasal airway resistance, thereby improving sleep quality and decreasing snoring.
The portion of a microscope to which the objective lenses attach.
A genus of parasites of the order Microsporidia.
Foreign body in the nose
Presence of material in the nasal cavity that was either inhaled or accidentally placed there. A child may place a foreign object in his or her own or another child’s nose. Symptoms: Coughing or watery or purulent discharge; occasionally pain and obstruction of nose. The foreign body may cause a nasal obstruction and infection, often…
Norwegian scabies
A rare form of scabies in which the mites are present in great number. It often is found in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Ivermectin is used to treat the infestation.
Norton scale
A scale used to predict the likelihood a patient will develop pressure ulcers. The patient is rated from 1 (low risk) to 4 (high risk) using the following five criteria: physical condition, mental condition, activity, mobility, and incontinence.
Nome’s disease
A rare form of x-linked hereditary blindness due to retinal malformation. Also present are peripheral vascular pathology, vitreous opacities, microphthalmia, and sometimes mental retardation and loss of hearing.
Any Norwalk like virus. Diarrheal outbreaks caused by norovirus infections of the gastrointestinal tract have been reported in nursing homes, schools, and cruise ships, settings in which large groups of people congregate in relatively confined spaces. The Norwalk virus belongs to a vast group of RNA viruses known for causing the majority of cases of…
Urination which is of a normal amount and specific gravity.
The presence of a normal concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
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