Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Clavicular notch
A notch at the upper angle of the sternum with which the clavicle articulates.
Cerebellar notch
Either of two deep notches (anterior and posterior) separating the hemispheres of the cerebellum.
Cardial notch
The angle or indentation on the top of the stomach between its orifice (the cardia) and its fundus.
Aortic notch
The notch in a sphygmogram caused by rebound at the aortic valve closure.
Antegonial notch
A depression in the inferior border of the mandible at the anterior edge of the insertion of the masseter muscle.
Congenital absence of the back of the skull.
Nostril reflex
Reduction of the opening of the naris on the affected side in lung disease in proportion to lessened alveolar air capacity on the affected side.
Homesickness; longing to return home.
Nosopsyllus fasciatus
A species of rat fleas responsible for transmission of murine typhus and possibly plague.
A disease-causing plant microorganism.
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