Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Radial notch
A notch on the lateral surface of the coronoid process of the ulna for receiving the circumference of the head of the radius.
Pancreatic notch
A notch on the lateral surface of the head of the pancreas for the superior mesenteric artery and vein. It separates the uncinate process of the head from the remaining portion.
Nasal notch
A deep notch on the anterior surface of the maxilla, forming the lateral border of the piriform aperture.
Manubrial notch
A depression on the superior edge of the sternum.
Mandibular notch
A notch on the superior border of the ramus of the mandible separating the coronoid and condyloid processes.
Lesser sciatic notch
A notch immediately below the spine of the ischium on the posterior border of the hip bone, which is converted into a foramen by the sacrotuberous ligament.
Labial notch
A notch in the labial flange of a denture at the point where it crosses the frenum.
Interclavicular notch
A rounded notch at the top of the manubrium of the sternum between the surfaces articulating with the clavicles.
Greater sciatic notch
A large notch on the posterior border of the hip bone between the posterior inferior iliac spine and the spine of the ischium.
Costal notch
Any of seven pairs of indentations on the lateral surfaces of the sternum, for articulation with costal cartilages.
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