Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A benign adenoma composed of eosinophilic epithelial cells, especially one of the salivary or parathyroid glands.
A large columnar cell with granular, acidophilic cytoplasm and a large number of mitochondria. They may become neoplastic.
Onchocerca volvulus
A species of Onchocerca, a parasitic worm that is transmitted to people by the bite of black flies of the genus Simulium. Tiny, threadlike offspring of the worm migrate to the skin and eyes and produce inflammatory reactions that result in skin swellings and “river blindness.” The inflammation produced by the parasites may be mediated…
Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus
A single-stranded RNA virus in the Flavivirus genus. It can be transmitted to people by the bite of infected ticks. Clinical symptoms of infection include hemorrhage, conjunctivitis, cough if the patient develops pneumonia, fevers, and meningoencephalitis.
Severing of the umbilical cord by crushing, rather than cutting.
The underdeveloped member of a pair of omphaloangiopagus twins.
Rupture of the umbilicus.
The discharge of lymph from the umbilicus.
Inflammation of the umbilical veins.
Conjoined twins united at the abdomen.
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