Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Electric ophthalmia
Ophthalmia marked by eye pain, intolerance to light, and tearing (lacrimation). The condition occurs following prolonged exposure to intense fight such as that encountered in arc welding.
The vision apparatus from the retina to the optic nerves, optic chiasm, optic tract, and the visual centers of the brain.
Sudden development of eye pain.
Cosmetic surgery to reduce forehead wrinkling or furrowing and sagging of the eyebrows.
The meeting point of the facial median line with a transverse line across the forehead’s narrowest portion.
Poisoning from snake bite.
Baldness occurring in winding streaks across the head.
The molecular analysis of tissues and cells based on a knowledge of their genes, gene transcription, and protein expression.
Trophoblastic operculum
The plug of fibrin that covers the opening in the endometrium made by implantation of the blastocyst.
Dental operculum
The soft tissue overlying the crown of a partially erupted tooth.
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