Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An instrument for determining the pressure in the ophthalmic arteries. The device is placed against the conjunctiva of the eye. If the pressure is higher on one side than on the other, appropriate studies to attempt to define the cause are indicated.
Purulent inflammation of the eye or conjunctiva, usually due to gonococcus.
Ophthalmic laboratory technician
A technician who makes eyewear by following ophthalmic prescriptions. The work involves coating, cutting, grinding, polishing, tinting, and ensuring the quality of corrective lenses as well as the preparation and adjustment of eyewear.
Varicose ophthalmia
Inflammation that accompanies varicosities of the conjunctival veins.
Spring ophthalmia
Conjunctivitis occurring in the spring, usually due to an allergic reaction to pollen.
Purulent ophthalmia
Purulent inflammation of the eye, usually due to gonococcus.
Phlyctenular ophthalmia
Vesicular formations on the epithelium of the conjunctiva or cornea.
Neuroparalytic ophthalmia
Ophthalmia resulting from injury or disease involving the semilunar ganglion or the branches of the trigeminal nerve supplying the affected eye.
Metastatic ophthalmia
Sympathetic inflammation of the choroid due to pyemia or metastasis.
Gonococcal ophthalmia
Purulent conjunctivitis due to infection with gonococcus.
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