Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Postradiation

    Occurring after exposure to ionizing radiation.  

  • Postprandial reactive hypoglycemia

    A low blood glucose level (<50 mg/dl or 3.3 mmol/L) that occurs after a meal. It may result from excessive treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs, from dumping syndrome or other digestive diseases, or from less common illnesses. It may be managed with alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and changes in diet.  

  • Postphlebitic syndrome

    Pain and swelling felt in a limb that has been affected by a blood clot in its deep veins (a deep venous thrombosis). It is usually relieved somewhat by elevating the limb and worsened when the limb is dependent.  

  • Postpericardiotomy syndrome

    Fever, pericardial friction rub, and chest pain occurring several days or weeks after cardiac surgery. The syndrome appears to be an autoimmune response to damaged cardiac cells. Congestive heart failure may ensue.  

  • Postpartum blues

    A period of heightened maternal emotions that follow the birth of a baby, typically beginning in the first three to five days after childbirth. Common symptoms are irritability, emotional lability, and tearfulness, although exaggerated happiness may also be reported. Unlike postpartum depression (a persistent mood disturbance after childbearing), postpartum blues typically resolves in a week…

  • Postpartal period

    To the 6-week period after childbirth, during which progressive physiological changes restore uterine size and system functions to nonpregnant status.  

  • Postnecrotic

    Occurring after the death of a tissue or a part.  

  • Postnasal drip syndrome

    An important cause of chronic cough, often associated with chronic or allergic rhinitis, in which nasal secretions drain via the posterior pharynx.  

  • Postmyocardial infarction syndrome

    Non-ischemic chest pain occurring after a patient has had a myocardial infarction, that typically worsens with deep breathing, improves while sitting up, and is aggravated by lying down. The patient may develop a low-grade fever, an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and elevated levels of anti-myocardial antibodies. The cause is unknown. Patients usually are treated with…

  • Postmenopause

    The phase of a woman’s life that begins 1 year after her final menstrual period. The phase of a woman’s life that comes after menopause, the stage marked by the cessation of ovulation and menstruation.  

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