Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Postvaccinal

    Following vaccination; used especially with reference to safety issues or immune responses that result from immunization  

  • Swayback posture

    A relaxed stance in which the pelvis is shifted forward, resulting in hip extension, and the thorax is shifted backward, resulting in an increased thoracic kyphosis and forward head. Also called slouched posture.  

  • Standard posture

    The skeletal alignment accepted as normal; used for evaluating posture. There is equilibrium around the line of gravity and the least amount of stress and strain on supporting muscles, joints, and ligaments. From either the front or the back, a plumb bob would bisect the body equally. From the side, a plumb bob would be…

  • Semireclining posture

    Posture used instead of lying supine, by patients who are short of breath, e.g., because of heart failure.  

  • Orthotonos posture

    Posture in which the neck and trunk are extended rigidly in a straight line; seen in tetanus, strychnine poisoning, rabies, and meningitis.  

  • Orthopnea posture

    Posture in which the patient sits upright, hands or elbows resting upon some support; seen in asthma, emphysema, dyspnea, ascites, effusions into the pleural and pericardial cavities, and congestive heart failure.  

  • Modified plantigrade posture

    A standing position with the lower extremities on the ground and the upper extremities bearing weight on a table or other surface. The body weight is stabilized on all four extremities. This posture is used developmentally and in physical therapy to prepare for independent standing and gait.  

  • Kyphosis-lordosis posture

    A stance in which the pelvis is tilted forward, causing hip flexion, increased lumbar lordosis, and thoracic kyphosis.  

  • Hyperlordotic posture

    Increased lumbar lordosis without compensation in the thoracic or cervical spine. It is a component of the condition colloquially referred to as sway-back.  

  • Dorsal rigid posture

    Posture in which the patient lies on the back with both legs drawn up. This is a position that is maintained by some patients suffering the pain of peritonitis.  

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