Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Potassium gluconate

    A drug used orally to replenish loss of potassium ion.  

  • Potassium cyanide

    A highly poisonous compound used as a fumigant.  

  • Potassium citrate

    Transparent prismatic crystals used as an alkalizer. A substance employed to alleviate discomfort caused by mild urinary tract infections by reducing the acidity of the urine.  

  • Potassium chromate

    Lemon-yellow crystals used as a dye and furniture stain, in manufacture of batteries, in photography, and in laboratories to preserve tissue.  

  • Potassium carbonate

    A white crystalline powder used in pharmaceutical and chemical preparations.  

  • Potassium alum

    Aluminum potassium sulfate; strongly astringent, used topically as a styptic.  

  • Sulfurated potash

    A liver-colored or green-yellow substance made up of potassium thiosulfate and potassium polysulfides and containing 12.8% sulfur as a sulfide; a principal ingredient of white lotion.  

  • Potain’s sign

    In dilatation of the aorta, dullness on percussion over the area extending from the body of the sternum toward the third costal cartilage on the right, and to the base of the sternum.  

  • Post-void residual

    Urine that remains in the bladder after urination; e.g., in prostate hypertrophy.  

  • Postviral fatigue syndrome

    Chronic disability following a presumed viral infection. The most characteristic and persistent feature of the disease is muscle fatigue unrelieved by rest. Other symptoms include low-grade fever, headache, blurred vision or diplopia, stiff neck, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, lymphadenopathy, emotional lability, insomnia, urinary frequency, and either deafness or hyperacusis. In addition depression, anxiety, or other…

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