Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Emergency room practitioner

    A nurse certified in the area of urgent care, who possesses skills in triage and the knowledge to meet the emergent needs of clients.  

  • Advanced nurse practitioner

    An umbrella term that includes the following health care workers: Certified Midwife, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Nurse Practitioner.  

  • Adult nurse practitioner

    A nurse practitioner who is licensed to treat people over 18 years of age.  

  • Acute care nurse practitioner

    A nurse who is licensed to manage the care of select patient groups that have acute and specialized health care needs. The practice of the acute care nurse practitioner may be within a hospital setting or may extend into other areas of the community.  

  • Practice pattern

    A preferred or standard care method, especially one about which authorities, experts, or experienced practitioners agree. Also called preferred practice pattern.  

  • Scope of practice

    The extent and limits of the medical interventions that a health care provider may perform. The list of services that you are legally allowed to perform in your specialty in your state.  

  • Random practice

    A means of gaining mastery over a skill through training exercises that vary the sequence of elements in the skill. Compared with blocked practice, in which a skill is learned by fixed, repetitive drilling, random practice, with its frequently modified routine, results in better retention of the skill after training is completed.  

  • Patient safety practice

    A systematic health care practice that reduces the likelihood that patients will suffer undesirable side effects from treatment.  

  • Blocked practice

    A means of gaining mastery over a skill by drilling, i.e., by performing tasks or movements repeatedly according to a fixed procedure.  

  • Powerlessness

    Lack of control or influence.  

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