Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Precipitation test

    A test in which a positive reaction is indicated by formation of a precipitate in the solution being tested.  

  • Precipitant

    A substance bringing about precipitation.  

  • Precautionary principle

    A risk management principle, originally developed in the environmental movement, based on the concept of avoiding any new action (e.g., introducing a new technology or a new drug) that carries a hypothetical risk for human or planetary health, regardless of whether the hypothesis has been subjected to formal testing.  

  • Precapillary

    Before or at the beginning of a capillary network, such as a precapillary sphincter.  

  • Preaxial

    In front of the axis of a limb or of the body.  

  • Preauthorization

    The agreement of a health care funding agent (e.g., a health maintenance organization, health insurer, or governmental agency) to defray the costs of a proposed treatment or procedure before its occurrence.  

  • Preanesthetic

    A preliminary drug given to facilitate induction of general anesthesia.  

  • Preanesthesia

    A light anesthesia produced by a medication given before anesthesia.  

  • Preandrogens

    Any biochemical precursors to male hormones. In women with polycystic ovaries, elevated levels of pre-androgens such as androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are found in the bloodstream. These steroid hormones are synthesized in the adrenal glands; DHEA, DHEA sulfate, and androstenedione are converted in target tissues (such as the prostate gland) into dihydrotestosterone, which produces masculinizing…

  • Preagonal

    To the condition immediately before death. Taking place right before the moment of death.  

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