Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Prenatal surgery

    Intrauterine surgical procedures. These techniques have been used to repair heart defects and anatomical defects of other organs.  

  • Premyelocyte

    The cell that is the immediate precursor of a myelocyte.  

  • Premyeloblast

    A precursor of the mature myeloblast.  

  • Premorbid

    Prior to the development of disease.  

  • Premonocyte

    An embryonic cell transitional in development prior to a monocyte.  

  • Premonitory

    Giving a warning, as an early symptom.  

  • Premonition

    A feeling of an impending event. A warning given in advance of an occurrence; an uneasy knowing about an event before it takes place. Premonition does not involve a pictorial vision but rather an overwhelming feeling that something is going to happen a foreboding that comes from deep inside. The feeling is seldom a happy…

  • Premixed

    Prepared in standard concentrations or percentages before use. Insulins, e.g., may be pure (composed of either short or long-acting varieties but not both), or they may be combined to take advantage of the differing times of onset and peak effect of two different agents. Premixed insulins are usually labeled with two numbers, separated by a…

  • Premium support

    A form of health insurance coverage in which a third party, such as an employer or the federal government, provides a fixed contribution to an employee’s health insurance costs. The employee chooses the extent of coverage (e.g., basic, catastrophic, dented, extensive) and how much he or she is willing to pay to be insured.  

  • Premaxilla

    A separate bone, derived from the median nasal process embryologically, that fuses with the maxilla in humans; formerly called the incisive bone.  

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