Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Longitudinal presentation

    Presentation in which the long axis of the fetus is parallel to the long axis of the mother.  

  • Funic presentation

    Appearance of the umbilical cord during labor.  

  • Footling presentation

    Fetal position in which the feet come first. A presentation where the baby is positioned with the feet leading the way.  

  • Brow presentation

    Fetal position in which the brow or face of the infant comes first during labor, making vaginal delivery almost impossible. Cesarean section may be needed if the presentation cannot be altered. Occasionally, a rare type of abnormal fetal positioning called “brow presentation” can occur, where the head of the fetus is slightly bent backward and…

  • Presenium

    The time of life that precedes old age, typically the years before age 65.  

  • Prescriptive authority

    The limited authority to prescribe certain medications according to established protocol. In the U.S., prescriptive authority has been granted to advanced practice nurses, optometrists, osteopaths, physicians, podiatrists, and veterinarians among other health care professionals.  

  • Shotgun prescription

    A prescription containing many drugs, given with the hope that one of them may prove effective; it is not a recommended approach to the treatment of disease.  

  • Prescribing error

    An error in the choice or administration of drugs for patients. Included are incorrect dose or medicine, duplicate therapy, incorrect route of administration, or wrong patient. In one extensive study of prescriptions written by physicians in a tertiary-care teaching hospital, 0.3% were erroneous and more than half of these were rated as having the potential…

  • Prescribing cascade

    The administration of a new drug to a patient because of side effects produced by another prescription. Later prescriptions increase the risk of further side effects, drug interactions, and patient harm. A prescribing cascade usually results from the failure of the health care prescriber to recognize a patient’s presenting illness as evidence of an adverse…

  • Presbycardia

    Decreased functional capacity of the heart, as a result of age-related muscular hypertrophy, loss of myocytes, and decreased cardiac elasticity and compliance.  

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