Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Prevertiginous

    Giddiness or dizziness rather than true vertigo.  

  • Preventive nursing

    The branch of nursing concerned with preventing the occurrence of both mental and physical illness and disease. The nurse is an essential part of the health care team and has the opportunity to emphasize and indeed implement health care services to promote health and prevent disease. Nursing expertise and general professional competence can also be…

  • Prevention paradox

    A preventive measure that brings benefits to the community at large but affords little benefit to each participating individual.  

  • Preurethritis

    Inflammation around the urethral orifice of the vaginal vestibule.  

  • Wastewater pretreatment

    In environmental practice, acting to attempt to eliminate, reduce, or alter polluted water after it enters the water treatment works.  

  • Pretreatment

    A priming treatment given before the main course of therapy or the main chemical modification of a substance.  

  • Pretibial fever

    A form of leptospirosis caused by one of the several serotypes of the autumnalis serogroup. It is characterized by fever, a rash on the legs, prostration, splenomegaly, and respiratory disturbances.  

  • Presyncope

    Near fainting; the sensation that one is about to pass out.  

  • Presuppurative

    Relating to the period of inflammation before suppuration.  

  • Pressure-time product

    An estimate of respiratory muscle oxygen consumption during breathing. The PTP is sometimes represented mathematically as the integral of the esophageal and chest wall static recoil pressure curves. It estimates the work done when the diaphragm moves and estimates the oxygen consumption when respiratory muscles contract isometrically but fail to move the chest wall or…

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