Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Proencephalus

    A profile deformed fetus in which the brain protrudes through a fissure in the frontal area of the skull.  

  • Product liability

    The debt that manufacturers and sellers owe the public for any damages their products cause. In health care, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and applicable tort law regulate the responsibility for consumer product safety of medical devices, new technologies, prostheses and implants, telecommunications machinery, office equipment, supplies, and drugs.  

  • Productive inflammation

    An infrequently used term for any inflammatory process in which there is marked cellular proliferation (e.g., in proliferative retinopathy).  

  • Production pressure

    The perception that productivity is the primary goal of an institution rather than the provision of quality service. In health care institutions the pressure to move patients quickly from one status or setting to another, or to maximize bed occupancy, may sometimes take precedence over attention to detail and the provision of optimal care. To…

  • Production

    Development or formation of a substance.  

  • Prodigiosin

    A bright red pigmented chemical synthesized by Serratia marcescens and several other bacteria. It is cytotoxic and antibacterial.  

  • Procursive

    Having an involuntary tendency to run forward.  

  • Proctovalvotomy

    Incision of the rectal valves.  

  • Proctotome

    A knife for incision into the rectum.  

  • Proctostomy

    Surgical creation of a permanent opening into the rectum. Surgical formation of a lasting artificial opening into the rectum, also known as rectostomy.  

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