Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Prosector

    One who prepares cadavers for dissection or dissects for demonstration.  

  • Prosection

    Dissection for the purpose of demonstrating anatomical structure. The act of dissecting a deceased human or animal body by a skilled anatomist for educational purposes, aiming to instruct students. The term can refer to the execution of the dissection with students observing the instructor or to the preserved specimen itself, which is presented to the…

  • Prosecretin

    A substance present in the duodenal mucosa that, when acted on by hydrochloric acid in chyme, is converted into secretin.  

  • Proscription

    Behavior restricted or forbidden by religious or cultural tenet or belief.  

  • Propylparaben

    Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate, C10H12O3, a chemical used as an antifungal agent and as a preservative in pharmaceuticals.  

  • Propulsion

    A tendency to push or fall forward in walking. The action of driving or moving forward. An inclination to lean or fall forward while walking, as observed in conditions like Parkinson’s disease.  

  • Proptometer

    An instrument for measuring the extent of exophthalmos.  

  • Propriospinal

    Concerned exclusively with the spinal cord.  

  • Proportional

    In medical ethics, commensurate, that is, acceptably balanced between the risk for harm and the likelihood of benefit.  

  • Propionibacterium acnes

    A gram-positive bacillus that may be part of the normal skin flora, but can also be pathogenic in acne, wounds, and infected prosthetic devices. It was formerly called Corynebacterium acnes. Propionibacterium acnes, a common skin inhabitant, proliferates quickly in blocked hair follicles where sebum is trapped. A non-spore-forming, anaerobic or aerotolerant, gram-positive bacterium that normally…

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