Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Prostatodynia

    The condition of having the symptoms and signs of prostatitis but no evidence of inflammation of the prostate, with negative urine culture. Use of antibiotics in patients with prostatodynia is unnecessary.  

  • Prostatocystotomy

    Surgical incision of the prostate and bladder.  

  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis

    Inflammation of the prostate caused by a long-standing bacterial infection that often develops insidiously; causative organisms include gram-negative bacteria and enterococci. Clinically, the patient may have mild to moderate low back pain, pain with urination, and perineal discomfort, or he may be asymptomatic. Patients may have a history of multiple urinary tract infections; bacteria can…

  • Chronic abacterial prostatitis

    Inflammation of the prostate gland, marked by dull, aching pain in the perineum, usually of long duration. Although this is the most common type of chronic prostatitis, its cause is unknown.  

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis

    Inflammation of the prostate, commonly associated with urinary tract infections caused by enterococci, staphylococci, or gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli. It often is caused by reflux of urine resulting from an anatomical abnormality. Patients present with fever, chills, urethral discharge, pain on urination, difficulty voiding, malaise, myalgias, and discomfort in the perineal area; the…

  • Prostatic syncope

    Fainting during examination of the prostate. It is a rare occurrence that usually can be avoided by examining the patient in the lateral recumbent position.  

  • TransrectaI ultrasonography of the prostate

    The use of an ultrasonic detection device placed in the rectum in order to guide biopsy of the prostate.  

  • Prosopoanoschisis

    An oblique facial cleft, a slanting furrow extending from mouth to eye.  

  • Prosopalgia

    An infrequently used synonym for trigeminal neuralgia. Progressive transformation of cells until they develop into cells with a higher degree of function.  

  • Prosodemic

    Spread by individual contact; said of a disease.  

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