Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Simple acute prurigo

    A simple form of prurigo that often recurs. It is thought to be caused by a reaction to bites in sensitive subjects.  

  • Pregnancy prurigo

    A form of prurigo that usually has its onset in the middle trimester of pregnancy or later. The lesions occur on the proximal portion of the limbs and upper part of the trunk and usually improve spontaneously before term or rapidly after delivery.  

  • Prurigo estivalis

    A form of polymorphic light eruption characterized by prurigo and photodermatitis. It recurs every summer and continues during hot weather.  

  • Prurigo agria

    A severe type of prurigo that starts in childhood and persists. The skin becomes thickened and pigmented. Because of the severe itching and scratching, secondary pustules, boils, and abscesses may develop.  

  • Africana prunus

    A slow-growing African evergreen (also known as “African stinkwood”) whose bark is used as a source of pygeum, an herbal remedy for benign diseases of the prostate. Massive harvesting of the tree has threatened it with extinction.  

  • Prune-belly defect

    A nonstandard, but descriptive, term for children with congenital absence of one or more layers of abdominal muscles.  

  • Prune

    A dried plum, rich in carbohydrate, potassium, and iron, that contains dihydroxyphenyl isatin, a laxative. Regular consumption may lead to dependence on its laxative properties. The purplish-black dried fruit derived from select varieties of plum trees encompasses the essence of prunes. Among them, the d’Agen plum, hailing from France but presently cultivated in California as…

  • Proximolingual

    Concerning the proximal and lingual surfaces of a tooth.  

  • Proximolabial

    Concerning the proximal and labial surfaces of a tooth.  

  • Proximobuccal

    Concerning the proximal and buccal surfaces of a tooth.  

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