Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
A condition that may complicate organ transplantation rejection. It is marked by extensive occlusion of the small and medium-sized veins of the lung by loose, sparsely cellular, fibrous tissue. Some larger veins may be involved. This disease produces severe pulmonary venous hypertension.
Pulmonary mucociliary clearance
The removal of inhaled particles, endogenous cellular debris, and excessive secretions from the tracheobronchial tree by the action of the ciliated cells that live in the respiratory tract. The cilia of these cells beat and are therefore able to propel mucus and debris upward and out of the tracheobronchial tree. This action is one of…
Pulmonary arterial web
A web-like deformity seen in pulmonary angiograms at the site of previous pulmonary thromboembolism.
The act of budding or germinating, as seen in yeast.
A family of fleas belonging to the order Siphonaptera. Pulicidae includes the genera Pulex, Echidnophaga,’ Ctenocephalides, and Xenopsylla.
Pulex irritans
The human flea, which also infests dogs, hogs, and other mammals. It is an intermediate host of the tapeworms Dipylidium caninum and Hymenolepis diminuta.
A soft, short, blowing sound heard on auscultation.
Puestow procedure
A lateral side-to-side pancreaticojejunostomy in Roux-en-Y configuration used to relieve pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis. The pancreatic duct, which may be obstructed in chronic pancreatitis, is opened and attached to the small intestine.
A woman in labor, or one who has recently given birth. The period of 42 days following childbirth and expulsion of the placenta and membranes. The generative organs usually return to normal during this time.
Puerperal period
The interval of time from the birth of a child to approx. 6 weeks later, at which time complete involution of the uterus has occurred.
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