Oppositional defiant disorder

Symptoms may include losing temper; arguing with adults and actively refusing their requests; deliberately annoying others; blaming others for one’s mistakes; being easily annoyed, resentful, or spiteful; and physically fighting with other members of the household.

A pattern of negativistic and hostile behavior in a child that lasts at least 6 months. symptoms may include losing one’s temper; arguing with adults or actively refusing their requests; deliberately annoying others; being easily annoyed, angry, and resentful; and being spiteful or vindictive.

Children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) exhibit noncompliant behaviors in excess of what is normal for similarly aged children. Symptoms often include temper tantrums, irritability, and difficulty controlling anger. In order to distinguish clinical behavior from normal limittesting, behaviors must markedly interfere with social and academic functioning (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994). Several researchers proposed a developmental model of ODD, suggesting that the disorder may be a predecessor of conduct disorder (CD) for some children, particularly for those with earlier onset, attention problems, and a lack of familial harmony.

Persistent, aggressive behavior (fighting, arguing, provoking, annoying), defiance of and refusal to obey rules, disrespect for authority figures, with anger, stubbornness, and touchiness.

An early-life behavioral disorder is recognized by a persistent pattern of defiance, hostility, and disobedience directed towards figures of authority, surpassing the expected boundaries of typical childhood behavior. This condition manifests as an ongoing display of disruptive conduct that challenges and disregards established rules and norms, presenting a significant departure from the customary behavioral patterns observed in children.

A behavioral disorder that typically emerges in childhood or early adolescence. Children affected by this condition often exhibit aggressive, contentious behavior, characterized by frequent temper outbursts, defiance of rules, and use of profanities. While such behaviors can be somewhat common during adolescence, the presence of law-breaking actions or violence indicates a more severe, pathological state.




