Natural childbirth

A method of childbirth that is directed toward minimizing labor pain through techniques of physical and psychological training prior to delivery, rather than a reliance on the use of drugs. A form of educated childbirth.

Childbirth where the mother is not given any pain-killing drugs or anaesthetic but is encouraged to give birth after having prepared herself through relaxation and breathing exercises and a new psychological outlook.

General term for an approach to labor and delivery that attempts to minimize medical intervention during childbirth; in effect, often an alternative term for prepared childbirth.

Labor and childbirth with little or no medical intervention and the mother given minimal or no drugs to relieve pain or aid the birth process. It is considered the safest for the baby, but certain conditions (e.g., inadequate birth canal, fetal distress, illness in the mother) may make it impossible.

Methods of vaginal delivery that emphasize pain management using relaxation and other techniques rather than pain-relieving drugs. Pain management techniques may include massage, changing of body positions, meditation, taking a warm shower, or breathing techniques. Part of natural childbirth includes eliminating fear and tension through preparation. It usually involves a partner or coach, usually the father, who provides emotional support and helps the mother use the various relaxation techniques in labor. Typically, a few months before the baby is born, the mother and partner attend childbirth classes where both learn what to expect during childbirth, as well as techniques for breathing and relaxation intended to make labor more comfortable.

The delivery of a fetus without the use of analgesics, sedatives, or anesthesia and less reliance on technology (and more reliance on emotional support during labor and delivery) than may be practical during standard obstetrical care. The woman, and often her partner, go through a training period beginning months before the actual delivery. This training is called psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth.

The application of relaxation and various techniques aids in managing pain and reducing reliance on pharmaceuticals and medical interventions during the process of childbirth.




