
(Plural mitochondria). The subcellular organelles in all cells apart from red blood cells in which the major oxidative reactions of metabolism occur, linked to the formation of ATP from ADP.

A tiny rod-shaped part of a cell’s cytoplasm responsible for cell respiration.

Self-replicating organelle found in the cytoplasm of cells, where it functions in cellular metabolism and respiration, providing the cell’s major source of energy.

A rod-or oval-shaped cytoplasmic organelle that produces energy within the cell by the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

A structure, occurring in varying numbers in the cytoplasm of every cell, that is the site of the cell’s energy production. Mitochondria contain ATP and the enzymes involved in the cell’s metabolic activities; each is bounded by a double membrane, the inner being folded inward to form, projections (cristae).

A cell organelle of rod or oval shape 0.5 μm in diameter. Mitochondria can be seen by using phase-contrast or electron microscopy. They contain the enzymes for the aerobic stages of cell respiration and thus are the sites of most ATP synthesis.




