
An essential nutrient. Naturally occurring, inorganic homogeneous substances.

Inorganic substances that are basic components of the earth’s crust; they are also found in the human body. Humans constantly replenish their mineral supply with food and water. Minerals are crucial for a wide variety of bodily functions, including enzyme synthesis, regulation of the heart rhythm, bone formation, and digestion.

An inorganic, fundamental substance found naturally in the soil with specific chemical and structural characteristics.

Inorganic, crystalline chemicals that perform vital functions in the body including controlling water balance, regulating acid-base balance, acting as catalysts for a variety of body functions, and becoming integral components of body structures, such as bones, teeth, enzymes, hormones, and blood. Some are needed in relatively large amounts and are called macrominerals; others are needed in small trace amounts and are called microminerals.

Inorganic substances required for the functioning of the body, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and iodine.

Inorganic substances needed in tiny amounts in the diet to maintain bodily functions and preserve the vigour of the heart, brain, and muscle and nerve systems.

Minerals are essential for the growth and maintenance of cells and metabolic systems. They are divided into three categories: (1) macrominerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium), (2) microminerals (iron, zinc, and copper), and (3) the ultratrace minerals (chromium, fluorine, silicon, arsenic, boron, vanadium, nickel, cadmium, lithium, lead, selenium, iodine, molybdenum, manganese, and cobalt). Some of the ultratrace minerals are very toxic, that is arsenic, cadmium, and lead. Almost all of the minerals can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. However, many are poorly absorbed and this protects the body somewhat from toxic intakes. Sodium and potassium salts are readily soluble in water and thus available for uptake from the intestine. Several other elements, such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus, are present in complex salts that are relatively insoluble. These elements are not easily absorbed from the gut. After intake, the major part of insoluble salts appears in the feces. Minerals are important constituents of bones and teeth. Minerals may be integral parts of biologically important compounds such as hemoglobin and cytochromes. Minerals also serve as required cofactors for enzymatic reactions. Minerals may be divided into two groups based on the levels at which they occur in the body: (1) elements that are present in considerable amounts (e.g., iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, and phosphorus; combined mass: ±3 kg), and (2) elements that are required in very small amounts only, the so-called trace elements (e.g., zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, fluorine, chromium, and molybdenum; combined mass: ±30 g). Mineral-mineral interactions occur that can reduce or increase availability. An example of positive interactions is that of calcium and phosphorus. When present in equal amounts both are better absorbed than when one is present in great excess of the other. Example of negative effects is the negative effect of copper on zinc absorption. The individual minerals are described next.

From a nutritional perspective, minerals are inorganic elements that are required for normal growth and metabolism. Minerals required in large amounts are referred to as macrominerals, while those required in only small amounts are considered microminerals. Some experts refer to microminerals as trace or ultratrace minerals or elements depending upon their level of requirement. The functions of minerals vary, but typically include forming an important part of a chemical structure or participating as a cofactor for biochemical reactions.

Elements that must be in the diet for the proper health and functioning of the body. At least 13 of them have been identified as necessary. Those needed in relatively large amounts are called macronutrients or macrominerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, phosphorus, and sulfur. Those needed in relatively small amounts are called microminerals or micronutrients, including iron, copper, iodine, zinc, and fluoride.

In nutrition, inorganic substance, such as copper, zinc, or magnesium needed in small amounts by the body for normal growth and function.

Minerals are inorganic substances critical to many enzyme functions in the body.

A class of nutrients that are chemical elements that are needed for certain body processes, such as enzyme activity and bone formation.

One of a class of nutrients that are not made by living things and are required only in small amounts.

Essential inorganic elements the body needs in minute amounts to support growth, to maintain bodily tissues, and to metabolize food.

Certain inorganic substances function as the fundamental constituents for frameworks such as bones and teeth, while also cooperating with fluids and electrical transmissions. The sustenance of an individual’s well-being, as well as the release of adipose tissue, necessitates the incorporation of more than thirty pivotal minerals.

This substance is neither animal nor vegetable in nature, but can be found in both animal and vegetable tissues. Examples of this substance include calcium and iron, which are essential nutrients for maintaining proper bodily function. While they may be found in both plant and animal sources, these substances are often referred to as “minerals” due to their inorganic composition. Minerals play a vital role in many bodily processes, from bone health to blood circulation, making them an important component of a healthy and balanced diet.

Within the realm of bodily functions, certain chemical substances are deemed essential for the efficient operation of our systems and are commonly referred to as “minerals.” Among these minerals, calcium and iron hold particular significance as they are more prone to deficiency within our diets. It is vital to incorporate foods rich in these minerals to ensure optimal intake. While trace amounts of other minerals, including copper, iodine, cobalt, and fluorine, also bear importance, they are generally not as likely to be insufficient in supply. In a well-balanced diet, other chemicals such as sulfur, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium are typically present in adequate amounts, thus contributing to overall health and well-being. Embrace the importance of minerals in supporting the body’s intricate processes, and strive to maintain a diverse and nutritious diet to fulfill these essential requirements.

A mineral, devoid of organic origin, discovered within the terrestrial realm, which is indispensable in minute amounts for the sustenance of a healthy body. Notable examples include zinc, copper, and iron.

A chemical element that holds significance in nutrition due to its essential role in maintaining health through dietary intake. Essential for well-being, a minimum of 20 minerals, encompassing calcium, iron, potassium, and sodium, play crucial roles. Certain minerals, such as zinc, are required in minute quantities. A properly balanced diet, rich in nutrients, should furnish the body with all the necessary minerals it requires.




