
A neoplasm made up of melaninpigmented cells. When used alone, the term refers to malignant melanoma.

Malignant tumour of melanocytes which are found predominantly in skin but also in the bowel and the eye and appear as pigmented lesions.

A tumour of skin and mucosa arising from the pigment-producing cells.

A malignant form of skin cancer that usually arises from a precancerous mole and can invade other parts of the body if not recognized early.

A skin tumor containing dark pigment.

A highly malignant tumor of melanin-forming cells, the melanocytes. Such tumors usually occur in the skin but are also found in the eye and the mucous membranes. They may contain melanin (melanotic melanomas) or be free of pigment (amelanotic melanomas). Spread of this cancer to other parts of the body, especially to the lymph nodes and liver, is common. In these cases melanin or its precursors (melanogens) may be excreted in the urine and the whole of the skin may be deeply pigmented.

Malignant tumour arising from melanocytes. It may start in an existing mole or arise anew. Increasing exposure to sunlight of white populations in the 20th century has resulted in an alarming increase in the incidence of this cancer. It is mainly seen in those over 40 years, especially on the legs in women and on the back in men. An enlarging pigmented macule or nodule with irregular contour, profile or colour distribution is always suspect.

A malignant tumor of darkly pigmented cells (melanocytes) that often arises in a brown or black mole. The tumor can spread aggressively throughout the body (e.g., to the brain and other internal organs). The incidence of the disease is rising rapidly in the U.S., especially among people older than 60 years. In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimated that 62,480 Americans would be diagnosed with melanoma and that more than 8,400 would die from the disease. More than 90% of melanomas develop on the skin; about 5% occur in the eye, and 2.5% occur on mucous membranes.

An uncommon but extremely serious form of skin cancer.

A swiftly advancing and perilous type of cancer primarily manifested on the skin.

A tumor marked by the presence of melanin pigment. Technically, this refers to a benign growth, like a pigmented mole.




