Latticed tart

Here we have an aesthetically pleasing technique for adorning tarts. To embark on this journey, prepare approximately 5 to 6 ounces of pastry for an 8-inch pie pan. Proceed to line the pan with the pastry, ensuring to set aside about one-third of it for the decorative finishing touches. Next, generously spread the desired jam or filling over the awaiting canvas of pastry. With precision, fashion strips of pastry measuring 4 inches in width, arranging them in an intricate lattice pattern atop the luscious filling. To secure the structural integrity of the tart, moisten the edge of the pastry with water, then strategically position a strip of pastry along the rim, encasing the ends of the criss-cross strips. Firmly press down and indulge in embellishments as your creative desires dictate. To impart an enticing glaze, delicately apply a coating to the pastry. The final stage of this delectable journey involves baking the tart in a preheated 425° oven for a duration of 15 to 20 minutes, allowing the magic to unfold and culminate in a masterpiece of flavors and textures.




