
A surgical procedure involving an incision through the abdominal wall to gain access into the abdominal cavity laparotomized.

A type of tubal ligation procedure.

A surgical operation to cut open the abdominal cavity.

Any surgical procedure in which an incision is made into the abdominal wall, often done for exploration (e.g., to examine abdominal organs).

A surgical incision into the abdominal cavity. The operation is done to examine the abdominal organs as an aid to diagnosis; for example, to establish the spread of a growth (exploratory laparotomy) or as a prelude to major surgery.

A general term applied to any operation in which the abdominal cavity is opened. A laparotomy may be exploratory to establish a diagnosis, or carried out as a preliminary to further surgery. Viewing of the peritoneal cavity through an endoscope is called a laparoscopy or peritoneoscopy.

A surgical procedure known as a transabdominal incision involves creating a surgical opening between the ribs and the pelvis, granting surgeons a direct visual access to the interior of the abdominal cavity. This incision, carefully made in a strategic location, provides healthcare professionals with an optimal viewpoint for conducting surgical interventions and closely examining the abdominal structures.

Any surgical procedure that involves the opening of the abdomen, either for diagnostic purposes or for surgical treatment.

A surgical procedure on the abdomen aimed at identifying the root cause of the patient’s issue and, if possible, addressing it immediately with the necessary corrective surgery.




