Labia minora

The inner or lesser lips of the female genitalia or vulva labia majora.

Two small fleshy folds on the inside edge of the vulva.

Labium minus, two folds of skin that form the inner smaller lips of the female genitalia, extending from the clitoris backwards on each side of the vaginal opening, inside the labia majora.

The two thin folds of integument that lie between the labia majora. They enclose the vestibule. Anteriorly each divides into two smaller folds that unite with similar folds from the other side and enclose the clitoris, the more anterior one forming the prepuce (preputium clitoridis) of the clitoris and the posterior one the frenulum clitoridis. In young girls, they are hidden entirely by the labia majora.

Labia minora, also referred to as the inner lips, are delicate folds of tissue located between the labia majora. They are positioned on either side of the urethral and vaginal openings.

The two layers of mucous membrane located on either side of the vulva, inside the labia majora.




