
A noninflammatory disease of the clear outer covering of the eye (cornea). Keratopathy can occur as a result of aging, glaucoma, eye surgery, or exposure to extreme temperatures or light.

An inclusive expression utilized to categorize various conditions affecting the cornea, which is the clear front segment of the eyeball.

Actinic keratopathy is a distressing ailment characterized by the harm inflicted on the outer layer of the cornea due to ultraviolet light exposure. This light can originate from the sun, be reflected off surfaces like snow (leading to the term “snow-blindness”), or emanate from artificial sources like sunbeds or arc-welding torches.

Exposure keratopathy refers to the impairment of the cornea caused by the absence of safeguarding provided by the tear film and the reflexive blinking action. This can arise in situations where the eyelids do not adequately shield the cornea, as seen in cases of severe exophthalmos, facial palsy, and ectropion.




